Prep for IT incidents with external support

Regardless of your best office IT strategies, it's nearly impossible to thwart every type of cyberattack. And when they do happen, most businesses depend primarily on their internal resources and personnel. On the other hand, some organizations have realized the risks and complexities involved and have sought external support from leading industry specialists.

How to keep Mac computers safe

When it comes to Mac devices, data privacy and security should be your #1 priority, not an afterthought. Without implementing sufficient security measures, you’re leaving the door open for cybercriminals to ransack your sensitive data. Keep your bases covered and fortify Mac security with these six tips:

The basics
Let’s start with the basics and head over to the Security & Privacy pane in System Preferences.

Should I License my software? A Business Approach

When you have a great idea, it’s natural for you to want to share it with others. Technology, however, works at a different wavelength. Before you put your software out there, you want to make sure you've got all your bases covered. Keep reading to learn the vital considerations you need to address before jumping to sell a new hardware.

Why pair Android phone with Google Chrome?

What’s ice cream without syrup? What’s cocoa without marshmallows? What’s a computer without an Android phone and Google Chrome working hand in hand? The last analogy might sound less decadent and be a little harder to picture than the rest. That’s exactly why you should allow these five following benefits that every Android phone and Chrome combo brings to your computer to fill in the blanks:

Before getting started, you must make sure that Google Now is activated on your Android phone and the same account must be logged in for both the phone and for Chrome.

Cloud attitude adjustments for success

Not every business owner who migrates to the cloud achieves great results. As much as the service is touted with words like “freedom”, “productivity” and “collaboration”, realizing the full benefits of these words is not a given. So if you’re thinking about transitioning to the cloud, how can you ensure you optimize the technology for your business? Well, it all starts with your attitude before migration.

Ransomware alert for healthcare practices

Ransomware is becoming a growing problem for the healthcare industry. And with around a dozen attacks on hospitals being reported since the beginning of the year, you may be wondering just how severe the problem is. Should you be alarmed? How can you protect your practice? Here’s an inside look at how the ransomware epidemic is affecting the US and Canadian healthcare systems.

Technology ROI for beginners

For many business owners, calculating the return on investment of a new technology purchase can be tricky. Some may not even see the value of calculating it, and therefore skip this step. This, however, can be a costly mistake to your business because if your technology isn’t saving you money, it’s costing you.

Should you monitor your employees online?

To monitor your employees, or not to monitor, that is the topic of this blog post today. If you’ve ever considered monitoring your staff’s online activities, you may’ve been lost as to whether or not it’s the right decision. So we’ve listed the pros and cons of doing it, and some tips to make it a success if you go through with it.

Healthcare’s technological makeover

We may expect to find computers everywhere these days, from our offices, schools and airports to our pockets and wrists, but until now there's not been much call for computers in our hospital operating rooms. But new technology is making waves in healthcare circles and could even save lives by helping surgeons and physicians make life and death decisions.