A cluttered computer desktop can hamper productivity. When various files, folders, and applications are fighting for space on your desktop, it can be difficult to look for the ones you actually need. This affects the way you work and slows you down. Follow these tips to get rid of the mess on your desktop.
Get more work done by getting rid of desktop clutter
How to declutter your desktop effectively
Productivity-boosting tips for PC users
Business gurus emphasize the importance of time management and taking breaks to improve one's productivity and avoid burnout. But aside from motivating yourself to work efficiently, you can also use tools that help increase your daily output. If you work in front of a computer all day, these productivity-boosting tips will be incredibly useful.
Make your desktop clutter-free with these tips
A little desktop tidiness goes a long way
You may have the habit of putting apps and files that need your immediate attention on your desktop, but not of deleting or moving these to their proper folders when you’re through with them. What you end up with is a mess that makes it hard to find what you need and easy to lose important files forever.
Simple PC tricks to improve your productivity
Boost productivity with a clean desktop
If you’re like many users, you’ve probably found it convenient to pile up your desktop with a lot of files.. Over time though, this method creates a confusing display screen that can give anyone a headache.. What started as a way to quickly grab files becomes the opposite and you waste time wading through a crowded desktop to find that crucial document.