Windows 10 May 2019 Update’s best features

The Windows 10 May 2019 Update is now available for download, and it brings a wealth of new features, tools, and apps that will help you and your team be more productive and efficient, as well as give you a better user experience. Read on to find out about Windows 10’s best new features.

Android tablet pointers for the best sleep

If you want to run your business effectively, you need enough rest. This lets you focus, make better educated business decisions, communicate well with vendors and colleagues, and get things done properly. While your Android tablet is a helpful tool to help you accomplish some work-related tasks, it may also be disrupting your sleep.

Quick facts about virtualization and the cloud

Virtualization and cloud computing are sometimes mistaken as one and the same, causing much confusion. For the record, virtualization is different from cloud computing, but these two technologies usually overlap.

Imagine a company with five servers, each assigned a single task such as storage, email, etc.

5 tips to get the most out of Mac OS

If you think using your Mac can’t be any easier, you have another think coming. Mac’s shortcuts not only help you save time, but they can also boost your productivity. Here are some tips and tricks that will make using your Mac easier.
Open programs and files faster
Want a quicker way to open files and programs? If you’re tired of opening Finder and scrolling through hundreds of apps and files, you’ll be glad to know that there’s a much more efficient solution, and that’s Spotlight.

The cloud and virtualization, simplified

Cloud computing and virtualization are similar but not interchangeable. Both have their own benefits, so it’s worth learning how each technology works. With this knowledge, you can make the most out of your technology investment.
Imagine a company with five servers, each assigned a single task such as storage, email, etc.

Protect your Facebook and Twitter from hackers

In the wake of Facebook’s worldwide privacy scandal, it’s time to revisit some social media best practices. Your information is incredibly valuable, and you can’t rely on social media platforms to keep it safe from hackers. Heed these tips to make sure your Facebook and Twitter accounts are well secured.

Office 365: Tools and tips for business

Office 365 is the office productivity tool of choice because it has everything business users could possibly need. That said, most of them aren’t maximizing their Office 365 investment. That’s why we’re recommending some of the lesser-known and underused tools to help you work more efficiently.